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Eagle Direct Textbooks

Early bird gets the worm with Eagle Direct Textbooks! 

The University of Southern Mississippi in partnership with Barnes & Noble College 推出了一项新计划,旨在降低成本,增加获得所需 course materials for undergraduate classes before the first day. 

每个学期,秋季-春季-夏季,Eagle Direct教科书将允许学生 为他们的本科课程选择所有必需的课程材料 一个固定的费用,不管每个单独的教科书或数字访问需要多少钱 cost to rent or purchase separately. 

Eagle Direct将传统教科书的成本平均降低了40 - 50% Textbooks! 

Program Price - $20 per credit hour - Click here to reserve your textbooks!


How It Works


Register for Class

All undergraduate students will be automatically enrolled into the program. Once you’ve successfully selected your courses, the bookstore will start preparing your order.


Verify Your Order

从开学前30天开始,您将收到订单确认 链接到您的USM电子邮件以验证您的订单并选择您的送货偏好(店内) pickup or direct ship-to-home).


Receive Your Textbooks

当您的订单准备好取件或取件时,将发送电子邮件通知 ships. Your digital materials will be delivered for your course(s) within Canvas.



这个项目是整个学院对学生数量不断增加的回应 who lack access to required course material due to cost. This program makes getting 教科书对学生来说更容易,这将最终提高他们在USM的成功. Eagle Direct教科书预计将降低传统教科书的购买成本 by an average of 40 to 50% and provide them by the first day of class.

我们鼓励学生享受深度折扣和保证课程材料 the first day of class. We also understand this program may not meet the needs of every student. If you do not wish to participate in the program, you will need to opt-out every semester.

一旦学生注册了课程,他们就可以选择退出 in SOAR. 当术语处于活动状态时,选择退出页面链接将变为可用 已注册课程,并将仅在第一个添加/删除截止日期之前可用 (6 working days into the semester).

要选择退出,请登录新的九游会国际体验仪表板,访问选择进入/退出页面 在“学生帐户”菜单项下,点击“鹰直接教材”链接.

Yes, you can change your decision until the first day of class. Keep in mind you will 如果您在选择退出之前已经收到教科书,则需要退还教科书.  如果你在第一天之后退了一门课,你可以获得这门课的学分 hours when you return your course materials. 

您只能在第一个添加/删除截止日期之前选择退出或选择重新加入 semester (6 working days into the semester).

Students will receive emails to remind them to verify their order. All students will get charged unless they opt out whether they verify an order or not.

Yes. 除非您选择退出,否则您的材料将在书店和您的学生处保存 account will be charged.

You may return the book to the USM’s Barnes & Noble bookstore on the same terms and timelines currently in place. If you drop a class and enroll 在另一个类中,重新访问电子邮件链接以验证更改并选择交付 method. 或者,去书店,他们会“交换”所需的教科书和代码, so that you have what you need.

Yes, you will have 48 hours to return your textbooks. If you do not return the textbooks, the charges for the program will go back onto your student account.

This program is designed to be an all-in or all-out solution to bring affordability to campus.


For program questions, please contact the bookstore by emailing or calling 601-266-4381.

USM’s Barnes & Noble bookstore 网站将提供学生做出最佳决定所需的详细信息 for their situation.

我们致力于保护所有个人信息,并采取最大的预防措施 to secure and store data.

提供给书店的数据仅用于帮助我们交付您的所有课程 materials based upon your selected courses.

No. We are committed to the safeguarding of all personal information.

USM and Barnes & Noble are both focused on delivering affordable course materials options to our students. Eagle Direct Textbooks is a full-service course material 为学生提供高度个性化体验的项目保留了教师 choice of course materials, and delivers deep savings to students. Barnes & Noble is also our contracted bookstore provider; thus, we coordinate all things textbook related with them.


该计划将收取每学时20美元的固定费用,无论每个学时多少 individual textbook would cost if you purchased separately.

该项目费用将包括在学生SOAR帐户中,以及其他费用 charges such as tuition and fees. This allows a student to use Financial Aid, scholarships, etc. to pay for their course materials. Supplies are not included in this program and will need to be purchased separately. If you add extra merchandise upon verifying your order, you will need to pay the bookstore with a debit or credit card.

该计划将以与所有其他学杂费相同的方式处理,并且 退款将按照现有的截止日期和程序处理.  However, 如果你拿起你的课程材料,但没有在48小时内归还 the course, you will owe the cost of the textbook.

学生将需要直接与书店工作,付款将被接受 by the bookstore. Charges for purchasing a book are not transferred to your student account.


所需的课程材料以教师要求的格式提供.  Your Bundle可以有物理和数字材料的混合,这取决于所采用的 format.

我们致力于提供可访问的材料,书店团队可以提供帮助 with any special requests.  Contact the bookstore by emailing for more information.

有残疾或符合美国标准的学生 残疾法案(ADA)应在学生无障碍服务(SAS)注册. The application for SAS is available on the website SAS将与教授,出版商和USM书店合作,以确保 that students with qualifying conditions receive accessible materials. For additional details, feel free to reach out to SAS directly via email at sasFREEMississippi or by calling 601.266.5024.

Orders cannot be processed until your order is verified. If you have already verified your order, call the bookstore at 601-266-4381. Be sure to provide them your order number, so they can check on the status of your order.


We know things happen! Contact the bookstore team to work it out on a case-by-case basis.

Send a copy of the syllabus to 确保在邮件中包含重要信息,如课程名称,课程 section and your contact information.

You will still be required to return continuation course textbooks. You will be issued 注册成功后为下学期同一职称的续读 course.

Yes! 学生可以选择在学期结束时购买教科书. Students would work directly with the bookstore if they wish to purchase.

租金买断价格是基于市场价值的折扣价 unique material.

你应该在课程开始前大约30天收到你的第一封电子邮件.  If you have not received any emails from B&N, please check your junk/spam folder and make sure you have not blocked emails from

数字课程材料不需要您选择完成偏好. Your 数字材料将在第一天在大学的LMS (Canvas)上提供 of class. At that time, you will also receive an email about your digital materials.

No.  请使用Eagle Direct确认邮件中的链接进行验证 and reserve your books. 

Faculty Textbook Information from the Office of the Provost

Faculty Eagle Direct questions:  Faculty FAQs