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Business 服务s

Frequently Asked Questions

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Q. What does the Business 服务s Office do?

A. 商业服务为学生和第三方赞助商买单,向学生收取费用 账户,发送信用余额退款,并接受付款和部门 存款. 如果你对助学金有任何疑问,请联系 Financial Aid Office. 如果您对您的注册有疑问,请联系 Registrar’s Office.

Q. Where is Business 服务s located?

A. Hattiesburg: Forrest County Hall, Room 101.  Gulf Park Campus: Student 服务s One Stop, Hardy Hall, 1st Floor.

Q. What are your office hours?

A. The lobby is open between 8:00 a.m. 下午4:30.m. Monday through Friday during normal 业务 days.

Q. How can I check my account balance?

 A. Log in to your 高飞 Student Dashboard and click on Student Accounts (left side) and go to the What I Owe - Account Details 页面. 我们鼓励学生经常查看账户余额.

Q. What is the last day to drop a class and receive a refund?

A. Students can find drop dates for each semester by 访问ing Withdrawals and Tuition Credits.

Q. I registered for an intersession course. How is the tuition calculated?

 A. 学期间课程的学费将包括在普通课程的学费中 session courses. 每学时将额外收取20美元的课间费 charged for each intersession course.

Q. I am registered for full time hours this semester. If I add an intersession course, will the total cost of tuition change?

 A. 如果你的总时数保持在12-19小时的全职范围内 undergraduates, no. 如果您的总时数超过19小时,您将按小时收费 hour over the full-time tuition rate. 

 Q. 我是一个州外的学生,我会被收取额外的非居民学费吗 an intersession course?

 A. 是的. 这些课时包括在常规课程的学费中 is charged the Additional Non-Resident Tuition.


Q. How do I receive my refund?

A. All student refunds are processed through BankMobile. For more information about BankMobile 访问 USM does not offer the option to receive a paper check.

Q. I don’t expect to receive a refund. Do I need to select a refund preference?

 A. 是的. 如果你的学生账户上有信用余额,你必须退款 method selected.

Q. May I come by the Business Office to pick up my refund?


Q. 关于我的BankMobile Vibe账户的问题,我应该联系谁?

A. Please 访问


Q. How can I make a payment on my student account?

A. 你 have several options for making payments  
  • Pay with a credit/debit card or eCheck via 高飞. Log In and click on Student Account (left side) 然后 Make a 付款.  Pop-up blockers will prevent the 页面 from loading.  There is a 2.85% convenience 用借记卡/信用卡支付的费用和0美元的便利费.50 per eCheck.
  • 在哈蒂斯堡亲自使用现金、支票、本票或汇票付款 lobby between the hours of 8:00 a.m. 下午4:30.m. (No credit/debit cards)
  • 在学生服务处亲自使用支票、本票或汇票付款 早上8点到8点之间在海湾公园九游会国际停一站.m. 下午4:30.m. (no cash or debit/credit cards)
  • 支票付款可以放在前门左边的投寄箱里 of Forrest County Hall (payments made after 3:00 p.m. will be posted the next 业务 天)
  • 支票付款可邮寄至118 College Drive Box # 5133 USM Business 服务s, Hattiesburg, MS 39406. Please be sure to write your student ID number on the face of the check.
  • An Installment 付款 Plan can be set up for current semester balances.
  • 国际学生可以根据说明使用国际电汇付款 上市 在这里.

Q. 我可以用这学期的助学金来支付上一学期的结余吗?

A. 财政援助只适用于拨款的期限. 可能不会 be used to pay previous term balances.

Q. What if my balance is never paid in full?

A. 请参阅 Delinquent Accounts.


Q. When do I have to pay my bill?

A. 计费 Schedule and Due Dates.

Q. I did not receive a bill. What do I do?

A. 截至2012年3月,大学不再邮寄每月账单或费用 发票. Monthly notifications will be sent via email to your email address when you have a bill available. 你 can access your online statement by clicking on 查看发票链接在学生帐户部分的高飞. Choose the latest invoice 生成的. Please check your email account regularly.

Q. My bill is wrong. What should I do?

A. 如果你对学费有疑问,请九游会国际的办公室 业务.servicesFREEMississippi. 如果你对部门收费有疑问,你必须联系部门 which placed the charge on your account.

Financial Aid  

Q. Why hasn’t my financial aid posted to my 高飞 account?  

A. 有很多原因可以解释为什么经济援助没有公布. If you have turned in 所有需要的文件,请联系财政援助办公室. The most common reasons financial aid has not posted are 上市 below.  

  • 该学生没有注册正确的课程单元数.
  • 财政援助办公室没有收到额外的信息要求.
  • The student is not making satisfactory academic progress.
  • 学校尚未收到奖学金或贷款.

Q. 我什么时候可以从我的助学金中获得退款?

A. 在课程开始后,学生的财务援助已经支付到学生的账户,我们通知BankMobile 每周发布您的退款,通过退款方式选择当您设置您的 refund preference.

Q. What is a Perkins loan?

A. 珀金斯贷款是通过大学提供的基于需求的联邦贷款. Unfortunately, 这些贷款目前无法支付.

Q. I turned in an outside scholarship. When will it be posted to my account?

A. 平均而言,奖学金支票需要两周的时间才能寄到你的学生那里 account once a term has begun.

1098-T Forms

请注意:九游会国际不提供税务或法律 建议. 关于你是否有资格获得教育税收抵免的决定应该 与您的个人税务顾问或国税局协商后确定 服务.

Q. What is Form 1098-T?

A. 表格1098-T是一份税务资料文件,帮助纳税人决定是否 他们可以申请税收减免或教育税收抵免(希望抵免) -一般适用于2008年及更早的纳税年度,美国机会信贷,或 Lifetime Learning Credit)

Q. How can I get a copy of my 1098-T?

A. 您可随时透过登入检视及列印您现时或以前的1098-T表格 在飙升. Go to Student Account/ View 1098-T.

Q. Why didn't I receive a 1098-T?

A. Institutions are not required to furnish a 1098-T to non-resident aliens; to individuals 谁的学费及相关费用可获豁免或以奖学金支付 or grants; to individuals enrolled in noncredit courses only; or to those individuals whose calculations net to zero.

Q. I did not receive a 1098-T. Where can I get USM's tax ID number?

A. 如果您想请求USM的税号,请将您的请求提交到 taxcomplianceFREEMississippi. 请注明您的姓名、USM ID号和请求原因. 请注意:USM禁止提供法律、税务或会计建议 给学生. USM不对您使用此信息的任何行为负责. 如果使用 此信息申请教育学分,请确保您是合格的. 保留所有用于确定你的学分和资格的文件的副本. 如果国税局审计你的退款,发现你的索赔是不正确的,你没有 证明你的文件合格,你必须偿还你收到的信贷金额 in error with interest. The IRS may also charge an accuracy or a fraud penalty. 你 可以在两到十年内禁止申请贷款吗. 看到 .


Business 服务s

Hattiesburg Campus

101 Forrest County Hall (FCH) 
118 College Dr. #5133
Hattiesburg, MS 39406





Gulf Park Campus

Student 服务s One Stop Gulf Coast Library (GCL) 101
730 East Beach Blvd
Long Beach, MS 39560


